How to get blog traffic? Get unlimited traffic to your blog!
Since the introduction of the Internet to the public in 1994, our world has moved
online. This has quickly been followed by money.
Do you want to increase your blog traffic, if you read this article attentively guarantee your blog traffic will be an increase you can grow your blog very short time?
Whether you have a personal blog, business website, or are making money through
online advertising, today's currency of success relies, almost exclusively, on the
science of cultivating more significant traffic to your website.
The traffic that you bring to your website is crucial because it helps you increase your
rankings on the various search engines, which is how potential customers can find
your company.
It also helps you to gain expertise in your industry, which allows you to establish your
influence on a particular topic, giving you the ability to earn money.
Unfortunately bringing more traffic to your site these days can be a challenge. With
millions of competing websites, it can be difficult for potential customers to find your
In fact, Net Craft, an Internet service company located in Bath, England, recently
announced that there are now over one billion websites on the Internet. With so
many websites competing for the same customers, the question becomes what steps
you can take to effectively capture the attention of consumers and increase the traffic
to your site?
The good news is that the multitude of consumers that search the Internet daily is
funneled through the rather narrow search engines to the various websites on the
This leaves the market far from becoming saturated regarding the division of resources.
Therefore, there are still plenty of ways that you can effectively market your website to
attract more people to your site successfully.
The bad news, most of the techniques that are being used today aren't entirely
understood by a majority of the population, leaving them unable to fully capture the
benefits they can bring and forcing them to hire specialized marketing firms that
increase their operational costs.
The five powerful techniques outlined in this guide are geared toward a single
purpose; helping you drive more traffic to your website. These methods that you
will learn are easier than you might have thought initially and will bring you results
within a week.
As long as you follow the concepts outlined in the guide, you will start to see a marked
increase in the number of visitors to your website.
Lesson - 1 Content Creation, SEO and Leveraging Analytics
According to Internet Live Stats, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries
every second, which translates to more than 3.5 billion searches every day and 1.2
trillion searches every year, worldwide.
Add to these numbers the number of interactions with social media and mobile
applications and ranking higher on the Internet can be downright overwhelming.
The good news is that search engines remain the dominant resource for people
to find and cultivate information on the web.
This makes focusing your efforts on organic searches the best way for companies to
realize enormous dividends for their websites and blogs.
Whether you’re new to SEO or looking for the most effective strategies to dominate
Google, having a basic understanding of search engine optimization techniques
along with knowledge of the latest algorithm changes will put you ahead of a
majority of those trying to optimize their websites.
The first thing that you need to learn about driving traffic to your website is that all your
efforts start from your own backyard. The first rule to building an excellent foundation
for website traffic is remarkable content. Being a small business owner, you need to
appreciate the immense array of new media tools that you have at your disposal.
Developing Content
The first rule that you need to follow is to diversify your content among as many
different media formats as possible. This includes textual, audio, audio-visual, etc.
Every business, no matter what they sell, requires a specific set of skills to survive,
and ultimately succeed.
Unfortunately, many people shrug off these skills as everyday occurrences, which
leads to those more willing to acknowledge their gifts receiving more attention,
publicity, and more business through higher web traffic.
To provide the best content to consumers, you need to take the time to isolate your
specific skills; those that qualify you to succeed in your chosen profession.
Most small business websites that thrive, do so because they aren't merely filled
with business jargon, but because they are relatable and able to communicate the
qualities of a great business through articles, anecdotes, etc. This is the kind of
content that the general public can relate to and learn from.
So, in addition to the usual content, you need to make sure that you have a blog on your
the website that can serve as an educational and exciting target for the perusal of
Greater public visibility naturally will lead to an increase in traffic and
business propositions for you.
As you begin to develop your content, you need to identify different styles of material.
Determine what might benefit more from being discussed in short videos, and those
that would better serve your business through podcasts or textual articles alone.
Having a greater variation in your content styles will allow your site visitors to gather
information depending on their mood. It can also allow you to satiate their need to
learn through video or literary outlets at the same time.
Site Analytics
Along with the different styles of content that you will need to decide on, you will also
need to keep an eye on your website analytics. These are provided in-house by portals
like WordPress or Google analytics. You can complete the easy sign-up process
for Google analytics and start receiving analytical information in three to four days.
The analytics will allow you to identify public favorites among your hosted content and
check whether the new video or article has received adequate public approval. This is
determined by the amount of time spent on average on that particular article by each
audience member.
If the analytics show that they sat through an appropriate amount of time to read it in
its entirety, then you've done an excellent job with your content. However, if they move
on from it after just 30 seconds, you may need to revisit your judgment regarding the
style or topic.
Keeping an eye on your analytics, and tweaking your content accordingly, allows you to
understand the tastes of your audience better and cater to that taste appropriately so
that you can further nurture your growing visitor base.
When your audience is happy, they will refer your website to others around them,
which will help to drive more traffic to your site through word-of-mouth. The best
way to encourage this is through maintaining high credibility with your existing
You also need to keep in mind that you need to post new content on a regular basis.
Nothing will dwindle your existing visitor base faster than a stagnant website. People
will only invest their time in websites that seem to be developing and growing.
Search Engine Optimization
After you've focused on the quality and frequency of the content you develop, the easiest
way to bring more traffic from the outside is to build your Search Engine Optimization,
The first step in developing SEO is to make sure that you've submitted your
website links to the various search engine platforms. While not every URL
provided will make it onto the search indexes, a majority of them do without any
Completing this first step allows Google's crawlers to index and display your website
within their search results. This can also be done for other search engines like Bing
and Yahoo.
Once you’ve submitted your website URLs for indexing, you need to perform SEO on all
of your current content. You will also need to keep this in mind as you move forward.
SEO is basically about allowing the search engine crawlers, or virtual bots, to
categorize and classify your site in order of relevance to keywords. The higher the
significance of a particular site in response to a specific keyword, the better its chances
of appearing higher up on search lists.
Appearing higher on the search engines is vital. This is because all your efforts aren't
necessarily geared towards people who already know about your site and can directly
access it by inputting its URL, but rather towards those who aren't aware of your
business and are looking for options based on the keywords in their search query.
SEO has become an extremely competitive field. You have to be able to understand the
the mind of your customers and create lists of possible keywords that you can use, so your customers can get to the topical content that you've provided.
Take some time to look at the content that you've already created. Make a list of possible
keywords that you would use to get to content like this on the Internet.
The keyword phrases that you determine should be between two to four words long. To
help you compile your list faster, use one of the keyword phrases and enter it into the
Google search bar. After you hit search, scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will
see roughly eight to ten related searches and keyword phrases.
Take a look at the list and see if it might be able to help you find a few more keyword
phrases that you believe are strongly related to your content. Repeat this process several
times with different keyword phrases. This will allow you to find a broader range of
keywords that are relevant to your content.
After you've identified 15 to 20 keywords and keyword phrases, go back through your
current content and make sure that the keywords that you've determined are present
in the content. You will also need to rewrite your title and subtitle to ensure that one
of the more distinct keyword phrases is present.
Don't get too overzealous with inserting keywords and keyword phrases into your
articles. They should only account for around 1.5 percent of your total word count.
Search engines will automatically lower your rank in the indexes if there is excessive
keyword cramming.
You'll want to add at least three keywords to the title tag of your content, as well as
adding the important keyword phrase in the metadata and description of your
Again, it is important not to get overzealous and stuff your tagline with errant
tags as this will lead to your rank being lowered.
The best way to handle SEO is to identify the best possible search engine key
phrases and dedicate a few unique ones to each article or piece of content you
You can also use plugins like SEO Search Terms Tagging, which will help you to
identify the exact search terms that visitors used to find their way to your site.
If you find that other search terms would be better for bringing customers to your
site, then you may want to consider changing the list of keywords that you’ve created.
When it comes to deciding on your keywords, avoid using more archaic or abstruse
words in the hope of being unique. Your goal is to find the right keywords and phrases
that are the most realistic depictions of search engine language that a majority of your
visitors would use to find your site.
However, where your ingenuity comes in, is finding ways to express the same set of
keywords in different ways. Your challenge is to discover the configuration of words
that will help to lead your visitors to your site successfully.
Unfortunately, the problem with SEO is that today's higher tech-savviness means
that using shorter keyword phrases tends to bring up too many results and too much
However, two-thirds of all searches are performed using long strings of keywords,
so finding the right longer keyword strings can lead to more customers finding
your site.
Lesson - 2 Different Social Media Channels
With the increased rise in popularity, social media has become one of the best ways
to promote your business. It has now become a full-time job to try and leverage the
power of social media marketing to promote products and services.
Unfortunately, it can be easy to get lost in online activities to promote your business
and drive traffic to your website, resulting in lost hours with little accomplished.
The truth is, you don’t need to spend hours a day marketing your business on social
media. In fact, you can create a simple routine of interactions that will take you about an
hour a day.
With a bit of common sense and some of the convenient tools that are available, you can
build your social media presence through, mostly automated, postings on the top social
media platforms.
Carefully planning your social media marketing activities can provide you with an
excellent opportunity to drive more traffic to your site, generate more leads, and
earn more profits.
Planning is one of the most critical elements to the success of most endeavors
but is especially crucial for online marketing.
There are so many pieces to the puzzle that is an online marketing that it can be easy to
overlook one, or not see where it fits into the whole picture.
Many businesses opt for a "scatter-shot" approach when they are planning their social
media marketing campaign. They decide to hit every single platform in hopes of hitting
it big and going viral.
Unfortunately, because their efforts are so scattered, they often fail and don't see any
return on their investment. It will be more beneficial for you to take a "rifle" approach,
hitting your marketing targets with precision.
To do this, you want to first focus your efforts on the top three social media platforms,
avoiding the distractions of the rest of the social networks. When you are first starting
out, you don't want to become overwhelmed with more work than you can handle.
The sheer number of social media platforms can get confusing. So, it’s important to
remember that you don’t need to be on everyone to be successful, you just have to find
the right ones for your market.
Facebook is by far the largest of all the social media platforms and despite some of
the recent complaints against the company, it is still an extremely popular network,
with more than 2 billion users per month. It has a lot that you can do and see. You can
share posts, videos, memes, and more with a main page or wall with your specific
interests and recommendations.
Due to their strict rules, Facebook’s ad network has not been ruined by spammers.
It offers both free and paid work in conjunction with each other and is cheaper to
use than Google AdWords.
It allows you to promote your site and posts you know to be popular. It provides a logo
indicating a “hot post” to promote, and a suggested budget.
You also have access to a lot of paid and free features. These include events, polls,
special offers, giveaways, contests, and more. The great thing about these features is
you can experiment with all of them to see what results you get, without having to
spend a ton of money.
If you use WordPress and have a blog, many great plug-ins can help you take
advantage of these features on Facebook. You can also post your article headlines to
Facebook automatically.
If you are using AWeber, you can share your email marketing messages the same
way. All you have to do is connect the accounts and choose whether you want to
post the content to Facebook when you send out the email.
The best feature of Facebook that business should utilize is the ability to engage in
daily conversations with your subscribers and fans.
Not only will this help you build credibility but helps you to stay on top of the latest
trends and happenings and allows you to create your own viral or buzz linking. Having
a Facebook page with numerous fans is an excellent way to showcase your business.
Utilizing short posts of no more than 140 characters, Twitter has become known as a
“microblog.” Rather than one post per day, people often make multiple posts
throughout the day, telling people what they are doing.
People sign up as followers of a business or person. This is usually based on a niche
topic that they are interested in. Once they sign up, they will start receiving tweets
posted by those they follow. The tweets are piquing interest and keeping the followers
In some cases, a follower might be so interested in the information, that they re-tweet
the original tweet out to every one of their followers. When numerous people re-tweet
the same tweet, it can be said to be going viral.
The comments that you might get can range from personal to professional. People will
often click on a Twitter link to read a full article, whereas they might tend to ignore it
if you were to send it in an email. To get the most out of your tweets, you need to treat
them like a great headline.
Twitter, over the years, has become popular due to its fun, immediate and compelling
format that causes people to want to interact with it on a daily basis. Perhaps its
popularity is because it is so similar to the newspaper or blog headline.
Twitter also makes it extremely convenient to contact any follower who happens to be
online at the same time you are. Since so many people are now using the Twitter app on
their phones, many people are only a tweet away.
The best business use of Twitter is staying in touch with your followers and making
yourself highly visible by tweeting at least once a day. It can also be used to send
reminders to people, post news of contests, etc.
Twitter provides a quick personal connection to all your followers and can help you
drive traffic to your full articles and blog posts.
LinkedIn is another one of the networks that you shouldn't ignore. It helps you connect
with like-minded individuals in your niche in a professional capacity, rather than a
personal one. It was designed for professionals who want to stay linked, even if they
don’t work for the same company.
LinkedIn is designed to showcase your skills and experience, be located by others
regarding new opportunities, and stay in touch with colleagues and friends; with the
latter being particularly handy given the state of flux in the current job market.
Chances are, if someone is on LinkedIn, you’ll be able to find them sooner or later.
For freelancers, the networking site can provide instant access to quality contacts from
the moment you join. You can also join special interest groups and follow industry
insiders, allowing you to know what is going on in your field.
Top-level clients and prospective employers routinely look at the LinkedIn profiles of
anyone they are thinking about doing business with. The site’s strength also lies in the
recommendations, which your network members are prompted to provide for you.
The site was initially designed to cater to the college-educated, professional
demographic, but has become much friendlier over the last several years, allowing
you to take part in ongoing discussions with both individuals or groups.
As a business, you should use LinkedIn to profile and position yourself as an
expert in your industry. It can be an excellent source for new contacts and a place
to provide targeted information and showcase testimonials, specialties, and
Much like Facebook, Google+ allows a range of content. It is a highly visual
platform that is preferred by chefs and photographers. The "Hangouts" area of the
platform is a great place to post webinars.
It allows you to cross-post your content with Twitter and YouTube and can be accessed
through Gmail and YouTube accounts. It is slanted more toward a younger male
Tumbler is also similar to Facebook in the types of content that you can post. Unlike
Facebook, it will accept your YouTube video embeds, as well as allowing you to upload
your videos to the site directly.
You can use the share buttons on YouTube to post a still image or thumbnail of your
video. There are currently 550 million users on the site that span 16 languages. The
demographics tend to lean toward the Millennials, with more than 80 percent of
them accessing the site from their mobile phones.
This site is a virtual pinboard, shopping site, and vision board. It can be used for a
range of marketing activities. Nearly 90 percent of the users of this site are women, and
more than 50 percent of the users have made a purchase based on something they saw
on the site.
If you have high-quality images that you want to share of your products, this is a
great place to market them.
Instagram is another extremely popular photo-based site that is popular with younger audiences. Because Facebook now owns it, you can advertise on the site via your Facebook account. It also allows you to target mobile uses only.
YouTube has become the number one video-sharing site in the world, along with being
one of the top five social media platforms. It leans a bit more towards a Millennial male
audience but is utilized by just about everyone. Creating your own channel is like
setting up a TV station with playlists, with your content organized by niche.
It is also a social network where people can chat, comment, and vote. It is important
to monitor the activity on your account because users have been known to
When you post a new video on your page, you can cross-promote it on Google+ and
Twitter. You can also share it on Pinterest, Tumbler, and other sites with their easy-to-use share buttons.
These are the most significant social networks that you can use to gain a considerable
following as long as you take the time to learn the rules of each one.
Lesson-3 Link Building
While this may be a bit more time consuming, it pays a steady, long-term return on
your investment as compared to the other methods discussed in this book.
Unlike links you post on social media, the links you post in the comments sections of
forums and other websites remain visible, for anyone who finds the particular post of
discussion on the forum.
The idea is to find relevant conversations on competing sites, instead of
spamming your links all over the Internet.
You want to find sites where people may often visit to read up on material that
pertains to your own product as well.
Remember, you only want to post a few links on each website, to avoid their
administrators from taking action and removing any link that points back to your
When you make a meaningful comment on another website, add a link to any content
on your site that can add value to your point or even broaden the scope of the topic at
Posting to Forums
Apart from posting links on competing websites, there are several forums as well where
you can post your link and request feedback on your content, style, or layout in general.
Aside from the added advantage of gaining a fresh perspective on your site, doing this
will also open the door for potential visitors who like what you have to offer.
This can lead to them referring your website to others. Since these forums differ
regarding topical interest, finding the right forum that works for you may take
sometimes, especially if you have a highly niched business.
One thing that you may want to do is find a sub-Reddit that is relevant to your
content and business. Make a genuine contribution to the discussion and post
your links there.
You have to be careful when posting links on this site because the populace is extremely
good at dealing with spam posters. So only add links to the site when you feel like you’ve
made an established addition to the ongoing discussion.
If you are seen as promoting content that is unrelated to the topic at hand, your
credibility will dive, so be very careful when selecting the content and article that you
are trying to promote through the posted link.
Given the large number of people who visit the site, the links and referrals will be
driving traffic to your website for a long time.
Aside from driving more traffic to your site directly through the links that you post,
your efforts will have another massive influence as well. Search engine crawlers
operate by creating interconnecting networks between various sites on the Internet.
All of this build-up toward nodal connections that can drive visitors through hundreds
of paths. With the operational procedures behind the coded crawlers, the higher
number of links that you have between your business site and other relevant or popular
sites, the higher your ranking will be on the search engines.
Therefore, if you can build a stable number of links between other important websites in
your profession and your site, the higher up your company will be displayed in the search
This will dramatically improve your company's visibility, effectively
directing more visitors to your site when they engage in content searches.
After you’ve developed your link-building campaign, you should devote some time
to websites like StumbleUpon. Submit your
URL to these sites, and they will keep directing people to your site, from their own
visitor base.
While you may think that this method won't be a reliable source of traffic, you'll be
shocked to see the number of visitors, which could end up in the thousands, once the
sites' users start getting directed to your page.
Lesson 4 – Guest Blogging
If you are trying to increase traffic to your site, collaborating with other, more
established Internet personalities is an excellent method to try. The simplest way to do
this is to offer to contribute guest blogs to other sites.
When you post content on another person's blog, you will be able to reach an already
the established audience within your particular niche that is ready to find out what you can offer them.
Utilizing this marketing tool can help you boost your business faster and more
effectively than just publishing content on your own site or sending out a couple of
Guest blogging is a win-win situation because you get to create great content for the
blog owner and in return, you get to increase your traffic in less time. When it is done
right, a single blog post can help you more than a 15-minute TV interview that no one is
going to pay attention to.
Since you have your own skills and experiences, you should be able to write for
numerous websites. You might even be able to distribute the same article to different
sites, as long as you negotiate a non-exclusive agreement with them.
While many of the sites that you approach will offer financial compensation to their
guest bloggers, you might want to consider having them publish more links alongside
your author bio, rather than taking the money. This will help to open a door between
their entire visitor base and your content.
Advantages of Guest Blogging
There are many advantages for both you and the blog owner where you post your guest
blog. First and foremost is that you are building a good relationship with other bloggers
in your industry. Building these collaborations will allow you to be linked with them
more profoundly.
With time, your content may even start to be shared with their online community
without you even having to ask. This can bring even more significant exposure for
your business.
Thanks to the extra visibility that guest blogging gives you, your reputation and image
will see a boost, along with the traffic to your website. The increased exposure will allow
more readers to learn about your work and your professional skills, enabling you to
become an authority on the subjects that you write about.
Another advantage of utilizing guest blogging is that it diversifies the source of traffic
that you receive to your blog. Your articles as a guest will help you obtain more qualified
traffic to your own blog.
Readers will be more likely to go and search for more information about your business
when they enjoy the content that you post.
Finding Blogs to Write For When you decide to try guest blogging, you’ll need to find blogs that are relevant to your
niche. While there are several ways to do this, one of the easiest is through a Google
Blog Search.
Google Blog Search is a specific tool that Google created to help users search
specifically for blogs relevant to their search query. It allows you to facilitate the task
of finding blogs that accept visiting authors.
As you look through the list of blogs, you want to not only look for blogs that are open to
guest bloggers, but also look for those who have relationships with your niche and target
You can also visit other websites in your niche, to see if they accept guest bloggers. Look
for phrases like, “upload your article,” “write for us,” “guest author,” “columnists,” or
Another way to start guest blogging is to reach out to other bloggers. You want to
maintain contact with at least ten other bloggers in your niche. If you don't already
have these kinds of connections, start reaching out and making them.
Some of the best chances to write guest posts are through the relationships that you have
with other bloggers. Establish contact with those who are leaders in your market, get to
know them, and ask them if they would like you to write some articles.
Selecting the Best Blogs
Once you've found a substantial list of possible blogs to approach for a guest blogging
assignment, you'll need to narrow down your list to the most appropriate blogs that will
give you the highest exposure to a broader audience. To do this, you need to consider
the following.
It is important to choose blogs that have a greater traffic outlook than yours. You can
find this by looking at the Alexa Rank, which is the number of subscribers or followers
they have on Twitter.
You must be very careful when looking at the traffic numbers of other blogs. You want to
find ones that have more traffic than your site, but that doesn't have such a huge
the difference, because the host may tell you that they aren't interested because they need
the collaboration to be beneficial for them.
When it comes to guest blogging, traffic isn't everything. You also need to look at the
participation level of the audience. You want to verify that there are comments for each
post that is published on the blog.
It is vital that the blog already has an engaged audience. This is accomplished through
the frequency of publication and the length of time it has been active. It is not the same to
post on an active community, chatting and sharing experiences in a personal blog,
then a blog whose sole mission is to spit out the news.
Frequency of Exposure
Some blogs and websites publish content several times a day. This is because they are
designed as blogs of multiple authors. With blogs and sites like these, you will only be
on the cover for a couple of days. If you managed to create content that stands, great,
but, on these kinds of sites your post will soon be forgotten.
Selection of Niches
It is important that you find blogs that publish in your niche or in those that are
directly related to yours. Some audiences will not do you any good. The more specific
you can be with your selection, the better results you can expect to see from your
efforts. You would never post about your specialty cake design business on a laundry
service website, so make sure you choose wisely.
Collaborating with Other Writers
If you are more of a thinker than you are a writer, you may want to employ someone else
to write your copy for you or consider inviting other professionals to provide guest blogs
for your site in exchange for more significant publicity for them through their article.
Doing this will serve as another way to open your content and website to
their established reader base.
The option works great because people have more faith in sources where multiple
professional sources are providing their opinions on many related issues, rather
then a single source.
Collaborations also serve to provide your site with fresh voices and style. This can help
to bolster a dwindling interest in your site in the absence of content from any new
Lesson 5 – Email Marketing
Email marketing can be divided into two main styles; bulk email marketing campaigns,
and opt-in letters and updates. While both of these methods are dependent on the
medium of email to maximize your visibility, both of these methods work in drastically
different ways.
Bulk Email Marketing
These types of marketing campaigns usually deal with having to purchase a bulk
mailing list from organizations and sending mass emails to the addresses on the list
with information that contains excerpts, commercial advertising, newsletters,
promotional materials or offers, etc.
However, since you obtained the data from a third party, your efforts may result in
many of the email recipients sending your email blasts directly to their spam folder.
This will result in your credibility being lowered in accordance with the parameters of
the email service provider.
Once your credibility is lowered, any promotional materials that you would send to
these recipients would automatically be flagged as junk and immediately placed in a
junk folder, never to be seen again. Taking this approach to email marketing will not
increase your traffic significantly.
Opt-In Email Marketing
While this method will require more time and effort on your part, it has been shown to
perform better. If you have an email list stored in an email program like Outlook or
Gmail, you don't really have an email list.
In order to build a professional, legal, and valuable opt-in-only email list, you will need
to learn how to use an autoresponder. An autoresponder allows you to create an email
list where every single person on the list has asked to be on your list, and their
information has been verified.
This is extremely important when it comes to driving more traffic to your
The first step in building a legitimate email list is to get an autoresponder. Your
autoresponder is the key software system that manages your email list for you. It is
important that you choose one that is reliable and take the time to learn how to use it as
best you can.
There are numerous free and paid autoresponders on the market to choose from, so
you'll need to do your research to determine which one will work best.
Create an Opt-In Form
As soon as you’ve chosen your autoresponder, you’ll need to build an opt-in form so
that people can sign up for your email list. While every autoresponder has a slightly
different layout and system for creating an opt-in form, they all have the following
basic components.
• A custom design tool for web forms. This allows you to change the text,
color, size, fonts, and other features.
• A thank you, or confirmation page link. This will provide you with a redirect to
a custom thank you page link.
• An “already subscribed” page link. This will redirect anyone who is already
subscribed to your email list who fills out your web form.
Create a Web Page to Host Your Opt-in Form
If you don’t have a webpage and don’t know how to build one, you will want to use an
the autoresponder that will host your web form for you.
While this isn’t always the best option for maximizing your conversions, it is
included in the price of your autoresponder. It usually takes a single click to set it
up, so you don’t need to understand HTML or coding to get your page up and
Choose Single or Double Opt-In
A single opt-in web form is when a subscriber fills out your form and is immediately
subscribed to your list. They only have to opt-in once. A double opt-in is when a
subscriber must click a link sent to them in an email, after opting-in to your form, to
confirm their opt-in.
The two-step process requires them to fill out the opt-in form on your site, and then
verify their subscription by clicking a confirmation link in an email. There are benefits
and drawbacks to each method.
The benefits of a single opt-in form are that you’ll get more email subscribers,
building your list faster.
However, you may get more fake emails, as well as possibly receiving more spam
The double opt-in benefits are that you’ll only have subscribers on your list who were
committed enough to opt-in twice. The drawback is that you will have a smaller list.
If you choose a double opt-in, you will need to have an extra web page, usually a
confirmation page, that asks your subscriber to confirm their information.
Create a Gift of Deliverable
Once someone has opted-in to subscribing to your email list, you’ll need to deliver on
your promises. If you promised them a free report or training video, then you need to
give it to them right away on the thank you page.
Make it fast and easy for them to access the information you promised. Include a simple
link to the download page, or have the autoresponder automatically forward them
directly to the page where the content is delivered.
Set Up a Thank You Page
The thank-you page that you develop should deliver the gift that you promised for
subscribing to your list, along with thanking them and providing instruction for the next
steps they should take.
All of the different autoresponders will have a standard thank you page that you can use.
However, you will want to create your own custom thank you page.
Test Your System
Once you’ve completed the first steps, it’s time to start testing your system. Go
through and sign up for your email list yourself and go through the same steps that
your subscribers will have to take.
Make sure that the opt-in form works, check every page and stage of the process to
make sure that all the links, buttons, and web pages work correctly before you start
sending traffic to your new opt-in page.
Doing this will help you avoid any problems or disappointed subscribers. Nothing will
turn people off faster than a broken opt-in form or not delivering what you promised.
Now that you’ve successfully created an email marketing system and tested it, it is
now time to send traffic to the page that is housing your opt-in form.
Using Squeeze Pages
A squeeze page is a single web page where someone can opt-in to your email list. They
are specially designed to host a web form and don’t usually have any other active links or
navigation options on the page.
This is so browsers can either opt-in to your email list or leave the page. By limiting the
navigation options, squeeze pages will convert five to 20 times more visitors than if you
where to place an opt-in form that is hosted on your blog.
As a general rule of thumb, you should always be linking your squeeze page
to every piece of content that you have online.
This includes placing it in your email signature, and every blog post, video, article, and
another piece of content that you create. The more links to your squeeze page, the more
traffic you will get.
There are dozens of methods that you can use to increase traffic to your website. The
techniques listed here are basic ways that will allow an average, everyday business
professional to maximize their viewership and achieve the true potential of their
hosted content.
While you may have various reasons for wanting to increase the number of visitors to
your website, the bottom line is that there are enough visitors currently online for
everyone, as long as they know you exist.
This means that you should always be striving to perfect your visibility and
exposure and create quality content for your audience.
While you work on creating your emails and content on your website, it is important
to remember to add relevant alternative content with the proper keywords, titles, and
brief descriptions to avoid having your search engine ranking decrease due to the
crawlers' formulae.
As you being to undertake the process of driving more traffic to your site, you may
become disappointed at the slow progress that you are making.
Be patient and know that all the efforts that you’ve put into this process will soon
pay off as you begin to notice a rising tide of increased viewership, as long as you
follow the principle paths that have been outlined in this guide.
You should never be afraid of making your own creative interpretations for the
techniques in this guide for increasing the traffic to your site.
If you feel that an unorthodox approach may fail, never give up the idea before you’ve
thoroughly tested it and are beyond certain that it won’t succeed.
Generating traffic will take time and effort on your part, but it will be well worth it as you
watch your audience and subscribers increase exponentially.